Search results

  1. K

    global skooters

    That makes sense :d
  2. K


    Okay thanks!
  3. K


    Mine are pretty good for now.
  4. K


    a full proto? EDIT: well i was thinking of getting in the future: Proto striker/fsa headset/proto scs
  5. K


    Okay! thanks noah! :)
  6. K

    SCOOTER FORK SUPER-THREAD!! all your scooter fork questions answered!!!!

    So I just recentley bought this setup Is there anyway I could still get a Proto striker/fsa headset/proto scs/baby scs. In the future.. I hope this was a proper place to put this..
  7. K


    sorry man. :/
  8. K


    So It would be possible to get some baby scs's and a proto striker fork as long at i get a headset?
  9. K


    So I just recentley bought this setup Is there anyway I could still get a threadless fork/headset/ and compression system? In the future..
  10. K

    Help :o

    Okay, thanks everyone for the help! you can close this now :)
  11. K

    Help :o

    Blah. Everywhere i go bars/everything i need are out of stock. Freestyle depot doesn't have like anything availible :(
  12. K

    Help :o

    hmmm :l
  13. K

    Help :o

    I came up with a setup which comes up to around 337ish dollars. Lucky Pro Bars-HIC PROTO BABY SCS FSA PIG Headset Black District FK-1 Fork Blunt 100mm Wheel Skull Blue / Black ODI GRIPS Rup Complete. Found it cheap :) Also are there any cheap brakes that aren't loud cause I know razor...
  14. K

    Help :o

    Im looking for threadless, What about mgp ninja or nitro?
  15. K

    Help :o

    Heyy. Im new to this thread and new to having I guess you could say a good scooter. So basically I've never really have rode anything except for just a normal razor with 14in bars. currently I'm riding my friends 16x21 one piece bars but im looking into getting my own settup. I have saved up for...