Sorry, I need these gone. I don't play xbox anymore. Soo. Paypal is preferred.
I have the code in front of me, and I am legit.
I'll let em go for 15$. $5 less then buying at a store..
That seems pretty sketch. Have you scratched off the code yet or not? Considering if the code as been scratched off, they won't know if you have used it all ready or not.
The code is scratched cause I was going to use. I got too lazy so I didnt punch them in. And because i didn't ever get rockband 2...
They work. and Yes; Robert is right.
And I'm Legit.
If interested: 760-238-2335
I don't care, honestly. Pics of the card with a time stamp is required. Saying that the code has been scratched is so sketchy. Who the hell would scratch off the code and not use it right then? Please abide by the rules, dude.