i agree with you about dailed i have a good feeling its going to really pick up. Also i feel like dirt scooters are going to really grow. I feel like a ton of riders might nearly completely convert to dirt scooters. I feel like 2013 is actually going to be a big year for the aussie street scene to! Alot of rapid street edits poping from down under latly.
This^ is the most stupid thing i have ever heard hahaha not trying to be a dick or make fun of you but listen to why this is funny, being trendy seems almost feared by people now because they think that to be original they cant get anything trendy. If your trying to be original then your not original lol... This is my point and it is as simple as this, if you want to be original then get the parts you like because you like them, ride the stuff you ride because you like riding it, do the tricks you like because you like them, wear the cloths you wear because you like the way they look... Thats the way to be original(be yourself, because that is the true way to be original). Do you think hep greg watches dillon kasson and goes "aww dillon 180 heelwhip railhoped a gap and people loved that, i have to do that so people will love my video to" originality comes from being true to yourself and doing things that you want to do and like to do.. Thats my point im not trying to hate on you or anything of that sort just giving you my opinion because i feel this is what alot of riders should think about. And now i know that nobody is 100% original and same goes for me so i dont want you to get the idea that im trying to sound or feel like im better than you because thats not why i typed this. And im done with this.