FS: Complete, cheapp

Flight 19, great condition looks bad because of spraypaint job, no cracks
Threadless NW fork good condition no crakcs or bends
Lucky Tanks, no longer made, 21.5H by 17W no cracks or bends
105 old twizzler good condition no chunks or dehubbing
110 eagle or some twizz? great wheel no dehubbing or chunking

Looking for nice water bong OR $100 for the complete+ fork. but willing to part if you pay shipping, offer on prices. Mainly want cash only









ginger scoots

Bronze member
i will give you a almost brand new 80 gb ipod classic it come power cord and i will toss in pegs for the deck and lucky fork?? ?? it was 250 new
tom - i really don't want scoot parts ahaha i just want $

vince - i'd say like $96 shipped for the deck

ginger - sell the ipod for $150 and then buy the scoot
Please text me at 206-250-2924. I am legitimately interested in your complete and will pay full price for it. Or if youre interested I have a Cali-Made Zob instrumentum perculatis bong. Its a STRAIGHT TUBE and decent size. I can send pics. I purchased it for 160 about a month ago. I can get it in pristine condition and we can swap or I can pay you whatever you want for this complete...Please get back to me ASAP, I need a g