Steel Member
Crazy how my generation is being sculpted through the use of facebook and other social networking alternatives.
i like it. its a good way to find people to rape.
Phil, you should make a status like "going to go to (some public place) and (some illegal activity)" and just go watch the cops arrive
There's always those people who ruin it for everyone. Like this one girl I'm friends with. She's really dumb about guys so she always gets her heart broken, so every status she ever makes is something about how every guy on earth is a douche and no girls should trust any guys. And then there's this one guy who never really does anything but always complains about how depressed and hardcore he is. And then there's the people who fight all their battles on Facebook. Very annoying.
I know what he means.I have two people, both of which i know, whos facebook statuses are the stupidest shit ever.
They are black.