I fucking hate Facebook

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
Its fucking dumb how some people are on facebook 24/7 and in EVERYONE elses business.
Even when theyre out with theyre friends, theyre on their phones checking facebook and always get sucked into some online drama, then it ruins the entire mood of the day.

Fuck you Zuckerberg. RIP drama free friends.


Steel Member
There's always those people who ruin it for everyone. Like this one girl I'm friends with. She's really dumb about guys so she always gets her heart broken, so every status she ever makes is something about how every guy on earth is a douche and no girls should trust any guys. And then there's this one guy who never really does anything but always complains about how depressed and hardcore he is. And then there's the people who fight all their battles on Facebook. Very annoying.


Staff member
Phil, you should make a status like "going to go to (some public place) and (some illegal activity)" and just go watch the cops arrive


Steel Member
bitches be trippin

the only thing i find annoying are the passive aggressive attacks on nobody in particular and the multitudes of people complaining about their lives.

shut up and deal with what you've got, sheesh.


Silver Member
I like it. helps me find little boys to rape

Edit:Didnt read the posts above to know that jon posted basicly the same thing before me. Mybad


Steel Member
All I ever see on Facebook is depressing status's. I wish they would be mature and not post depressing shit all over it. And the funny thing is, they post a depressing status, and then when someone asks what's wrong, they reply "dw".

I would delete my account but it's the only free way I can communicate to someone on my phone.
There's always those people who ruin it for everyone. Like this one girl I'm friends with. She's really dumb about guys so she always gets her heart broken, so every status she ever makes is something about how every guy on earth is a douche and no girls should trust any guys. And then there's this one guy who never really does anything but always complains about how depressed and hardcore he is. And then there's the people who fight all their battles on Facebook. Very annoying.



Staff member
I see "I eat poop 4 fun" and "I just followed a blood trail to my room. Wat." and "great day with the girl!!" and a bunch of gay quotes stolen off google. Course sprinkle a few depressing statuses in there. But most of all, every status is about weed because I live in maple valley where there is thousands of kids who smoke weed everyday lol. Overall it's just for something to do when I'm bored and chat with different people.


Steel Member
I have two people, both of which i know, whos facebook statuses are the stupidest shit ever.

They are black.