is the zero offset fork woth getting

Yeah, I think devon's first language isnt english.... either way, ive ridden a zero offset for about a year now, and i love the thing. Makes barspins feel sooo smooth.

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
i love mine, if you don't like it at first you'll prob get used to it, its not really that much of a difference from regular offset.


scootforlife23 is AN true hero. he gets the zero offset fork and DOESNT AFRAID OF ANYTHING

thats not sarcasm thats bad grammar


well soory for not knowing and by the way buddy im 16 not 12 so ---- off i was just trying to prove my point

Brandon Low

Streets on Lock
if you weren't 12 years old, you would probably have a better understanding as to where it came from.

only goon ass fagots actually go on that website and use that quote. its not even funny. makes no sense and makes you look more gay then you already are.
and your probly 12 stop talkin shit when your the one that looks like an idiot and is making even less sense. it wouldn't make sense if you were 25 either. it MAKES NO SENSE


The inward forks are great! no cracks, bends, or breaks and ive been riding mine for 8 months. The only thing is if you get used to 0 offset going back to normal feels soooooo awwkward.


only goon ass fagots actually go on that website and use that quote. Its not even funny. Makes no sense and makes you look more gay then you already are.
And your probly 12 stop talkin shit when your the one that looks like an idiot and is making even less sense. It wouldn't make sense if you were 25 either. It makes no sense

makes no sense


its personal preference really. i like the extreme more. and i do so much tech stufff. so really it doesnt matter.