Jimmys Spring Edit


Staff member
To be honest, I couldn't even finish watching the video.
Songs like that are annoying, don't put them in scooter videos. I've never heard that song before but I feel like I've heard it a thousand times. And don't put the same trick on the same obstacle in a video, ever, try to stay away from filming tricks on the same obstacle and putting them in a video for that matter. Your bars are way too high, you look soooo uncomfortable when you ride, if you cut them it will also help you stop riding ski. Oh yeah, stop riding ski. Sorry if that was mean, but its what I noticed. Oh yeah, clean your damn lens, it looks like someone sneezed on it.


Steel Member
Turn steady shot off, Tell your filmed to not stand 10 feet away when he's filming with a fisheye


Staff member
so if i cut my bars down it will help me with not riding ski?

And your bars are too high when your weight is centered over your deck. Your weight should NEVER be over your deck, but over your bars. By having your weight more forward, and more over your bars, it will feel much more natural to be riding with on foot more forward.