Lucky Evo vs. Madd Gear Nitro

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
I can get ether the lucky Evo complete or a Madd Gear nitro for x-mas and im curious which one i should get. Listing pros and cons of each would help alot.

Also, If you know of a better complete for less then 500$ feel free to post.
Thank you


Staff member
tsi thomcats-55
ambush deck(standard)-120(i think?)
inward bars-55
dual eagles-80-90ish
cane creek S-1 headset-usualy like 50, but heres one for 20
ambush brake-15
bearings-just get some reds from a skateshop, doesent really make a difference
grips-doesent really matter-usually 10ish
proto SCS-70
under $450 bucks, plus around 50$ shipping,
500$, dialed


I got myself banned.
i suggest looking around at a bunch of different parts from a bunch of different companys and seeing what you like best. go on inward, dsa, freestyle depot, titetoyz ect and just look around. once you're done building your set up you are going to like it so much more than any complete.


Out of those two, get the Lucky Evo. It comes with better parts. Or you could build your own from Inward. Up to you good fellow.

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
The only thing i love about the nitro is i rode one today and it was the most dialed and smooth scooter ive ever ridden. idk if it will be the same with the lucky evo.