Overtightened Bolt


Staff member
I really dont care if this is a n00b question or if there is other threads like it, but my bolts on my scs are so tight they are like impossible to take out with allens and i have already stripped one a little bit and if im not careful it will strip all the way. So how do I get them a little bit loose without stripping them because i have already put all my force into them. Also, its not only one its the bottom 2


Steel Member
Well if only some of them are tight as hell, tighten the other ones more to relieve the pressure. Then grease your bolts when you manage to get them out lol


Steel Member
stab the shit out of it with a peice of watermelon.

Dude, you are a troll. Quit posting so much when you have nothing productive to add.

What I would do is tighten all of them so they are even (and don't strip any more while doing this!). Then loosen them one by one, little at at a time in a mixed order. So top, bottom, 2nd from top, then 2nd from bottom... Repeat until done. The clamp needs to loosen little by little and in an even fashion.

If you can't figure it out, seek adult help. Hahaha. Don't forget to grease your bolts when you put them back in!


I was going to say use a cordless drill, find an extra 5mm allen key, break the curvy end off of it, and use it in the cordless, but slowly to make sure you don't strip it. But it seems like it's too late now.

Carson .

Steel Member
If u do it carefully it's fine... Then u just need like I think they'd be m7 bolts from the hardware store


Steel Member
Once your done stick your cock in your SCS. That's what I do to women when they strip so it only makes sense to do it to some knucks too.


Once your done stick your cock in your SCS. That's what I do to women when they strip so it only makes sense to do it to some knucks too.

That is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever read. Not even close to being funny.

And yeah I don't think it would hurt the scs, but you can never be 100% sure.


Steel Member
I was kidding dick skank. Besides, I know Ben on a personal level so i'm allowed to make worthless posts in his threads.


Steel Member
Yeah I was just about to say Ben knows Brandon...*DEEP BREATH*... Weir.
Oh yeah... You can cut the bolt in half.


Steel Member
Cut it in the middle, then take the part out that slides out. Make sure you cut it to where the threaded side only has threads and not the part that is thicker. Once you take the part out that slides out get some pliers and tighten it to when it tightens out of the hole.


Bronze member
if this happens to anyone else, get a really long allens key and gloves, then use brute force.