Parts recommendations wanted for big/tall/heavy rider...

What would you recommend for someone 6'2, 195lb that rides mostly street (but some park), and is looking to build a custom from parts? I prefer riding fast & jumping gaps to spinning or grinding.

Strength & durability are more a priority than light weight. A strong deck that comes in a longer than standard length, tall & wide bars, etc.

Budget is a concern, but I'm willing to spend more for added strength.


Bronze member
This is a setup that I came up with for a bigger, heavier rider
-ethic grips(beefy and long) the way I like them lol jk
-phoenix cooper klarrs XL
-tilt scs
-tilt headset
-tilt nimbus fork
-river rapids
-hella grip
-this comes down to only a couple of decks that are suitable for bigger riders
I'm a big rider myself and I had a phoenix reventon v2 and I loved it. i also rode my friends tsi sledge. It was really nice. Over all. Just look at all these parts and choose between these two decks and you should be set. Hope I helped
This is a setup that I came up with for a bigger, heavier rider
-ethic grips(beefy and long) the way I like them lol jk
-phoenix cooper klarrs XL
-tilt scs
-tilt headset
-tilt nimbus fork
-river rapids
-hella grip
-this comes down to only a couple of decks that are suitable for bigger riders
I'm a big rider myself and I had a phoenix reventon v2 and I loved it. i also rode my friends tsi sledge. It was really nice. Over all. Just look at all these parts and choose between these two decks and you should be set. Hope I helped

Thanks. That's actually pretty similar to where my research has led. The differences being the Tilt Legacy fork (instead of the Nimbus), TSI Heptrons (instead of the Copper Klarr XL), and I'm still debating the deck.

Any thoughts on the AO Stealth deck? It looks pretty beefy, and comes up to 22.25" length (4.5" wide).

I do like the idea of being able to run 125mm wheels for some extra speed, though...


Bronze member
Stealth is pretty nice. And heptrons are better IMO but a lot of people like cooper klarrs so I just said that and as for the forks. Get the nimbus. A reason is because I think the legacy works differently than the normal scs and a lot of people have complained about stripping on it im riding a nimbus and its really freakin nice
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