Sponsor for ozziez


Steel Member
Were you actually like blacked out or did you just bang your head and lay there for awhile
and that video was sick I loved it.

nik mars

ya like it was all fuzzy ive been knocked out and stuff before this wasnt that bad at all it was hella funny i thought just i have really really bad back problems and skullyoiuscs idk how spell it but ya spine curviture what they call it and flairs hurt so bad im not giving up just takeing a minor set back haha and ya for like 30 secounds i was out of it then lights came back on then everything went all fuzzy and the lights started moving and then i sat back down and then drove home hella dizzy and stuff


I dislike the skateboarding style filming.
but your tricks are prime. enter lots of contests, make a portfolio and the sponsors will come to you.

Good Luck!