John reyes signed Pro-tec Helmet size L - 35$ shipped.
Iphone 4/4s otter box white - 25$ shipped OBO.
Tilt Intergrated sealed headset never used. SOLD to DJ pon3
Titan abec 9 bearings brand new Also won at a contest - SOLD to DJ pon3
Apple iPad 2 16GB 225$ shipped - will trade.
Black berry curve verizon - 45$ shipped with the case.
Iphone 4/4s otter box white - 25$ shipped OBO.
Tilt Intergrated sealed headset never used. SOLD to DJ pon3
Titan abec 9 bearings brand new Also won at a contest - SOLD to DJ pon3
Apple iPad 2 16GB 225$ shipped - will trade.
Black berry curve verizon - 45$ shipped with the case.