tips on KINKED handrails

Tyler Rehard

Bronze member
Please only post if you can auctualy do kinked rails.
So i can do handrails very consinstly but most near where i live are kinked so i want some tips on how i should go at this either way im trying the one i have in mind but id like to hear what you guys have to say.


Steel Member
Just compress your legs when you hit the kink, and don't lean back a lot. If you tense up too much, you're going to bail.

Tyler Rehard

Bronze member
should i just do it like i would a regular handrail but conpress with my knees when i hit the kink? or do i need to lean forward more that i usaly would?


Bronze member
do it like a normal handrail, when i did my 1st one i knew not to lean back so i didn't and it all went well. ahahha. but don't like completely think abouyt leaning forward when you're doing it, but connor's right, like go with the kink and compress your legs when u hit it


Staff member
when you're first doing them try not to get completely over the rail, but more on the side, and don't compress your knees, but be light on your feet, and let your knees compress with the kink, the idea here is to not fight the kink and flow with the shape of it, let your deck slide through it, pull up on your bars after you come off and land or your back wheel.
remember to keep your shoulders square and not to let your body move with the deck, as with any trick on a rail, unless your planning on spinning out or going to fakie.
hope i helped


Steel Member
We skiers just adjust our angle when we hit the kink. There's a kink rail thing at skatebarn in the street section that I can do you just have to tilt the deck a little bit and adjust your balance once you hit it. But I guess for a kink on the very end of the rail you don't need to get all that technical. Just hit it once you'll figure it out.

Victor C.

If you mean a little kink at the end, just tuck a bit, idk. Lean a little forward. I can't really do rails with a kink in the middle, only on a snowboard.