TSI Street Deck

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
I don't think I'd buy it. TSI preached that the Flight was going to be light and cheap, and although it was a fair price, it wasn't very light.

I don't get why boxed sides and flat bottoms are considered "street." A deck is a deck, no matter who's riding it, what they're riding on, or what they're doing.


Steel Member
The shape of a deck heavily affects grinds. My friend's V2i grinds so much differently than my RUP. As street is considered more "grind heavy" than park, I can see why a flat bottom and boxed sides are street.


Flat, wide bottoms are better for grinds but there's more than just that that goes into making a deck that grinds well. Flat sides are just good for smacking the hell out of fingerwhips.

Derek Seay

I've known about this deck for awhile now, if they can pull it off it may be cool. But, i am highly doubting it will be able to compete with some of the newer products out right now. I'd love to see what they can do though,

Grant Schofield

Silver Member
I've known about this deck for awhile now, if they can pull it off it may be cool. But, i am highly doubting it will be light.

it doesnt matter when you buy part you get use to them just because you cant do trick as sson as you put a new part on your scooter doesnt mean its not for you you just need to get use to it. but i would def buy it i always wanted to support tsi but never liked thier stuff


I really dont see why a wide flat bottom and flat sides makes it "street".... Imo all decks should be made with wide flat bootom and flat sides!
Sounds cool, hope they make it.
..and hopefully all deck manufactures will start making thier decks this way.

Hep Greg

its designed based on my specs.... :)


this is the first prototype,
it's been revised once already, the next version will be perfect.

get hyped.


Steel Member

Sweet dear Jesus I need to break my Lucky and get one of these. Nao. Are we allowed to know anything about it? Width, length, HTA, weight, concave?

Aidan Burns

Steel Member
Hell yeah, looks awesome. Is that a slot in the middle? I'm seeing weights coming into play here...be able to move them up and down the deck.

Hep Greg

nope :) thats all you get for now. i will only say that the final version will be extruded. start savin up ;)