I used to have recurring dreams of being in a very detailed large trailer home in third person and my mom would walk through the kitchen and suddenly scream and go face first into the sink and then fall over dead. Had that dream for at least 5 years until I finally remembered that I was dreaming, mid-dream, and then I called out her name and told her to go through the bathroom instead (for some reason the living room could be reached through the bathroom) and she didn't die, and I never had the dream again.
Another recurring dream I had was being in a ghetto little neighborhood that resembled Philly neighborhoods with duplex houses and all that. Some dude would go through the neighborhood with a pistol and everyone would scream and run, some times he would shoot them, sometimes not, and I would hide underneath a mail truck in this little parking lot area next to a playground. He'd make a bee line straight for me, tell me to get out from under the truck, and say "sorry kid, I gotta do this" and pick me up and shoot me, then I'd wake up. Kept happening until, again, I remembered that I was dreaming and ran behind the houses and grabbed a mini gun from out of nowhere and unloaded on him as he was chasing me, ran out of ammo and found an RPG launcher and did the same, then ran around the row of houses and ducked into one for cover. There was a knock at the door and the lady in the house went to answer it until I whispered "NO!" and she ducked away from the window just as he walked past, and then that was it and then I woke up. Never had it again.
I have really really fucked up dreams. I could make a few more posts just on the recurring dreams I've had throughout my life but I doubt anyone cares really. lol