Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
I know Rob haha. I want a scorcher, though. I snapped my Lucky fork, you were right. Not good. Three months, it barely lasted. All I need now is new grips and I'm set for a while... Until the deck breaks. But I have a spare.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
joe... get me one of those man. please. id give anything for a red or black one....

even the blue :p

I can't get them any more, I could only get one.

joe how are the demons?

SOOOOO good, I love them. So fast and smooth.

damn man you cant hook me up i have 250 for deck

I can sell you my phoenix if you want, 4.5 black. PM me about it. But a district, no.
You can get them at or