Gay rights

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
not sure if id want to be in politics lol. im more of a biological sciences type of guy..
an interest which lead me to this article a while ago after this thread died down.

there ARE physical differences in gay and strait men, i think thats more than enough evidence to prove that homosexuality is more than just "a choice". Homosexuality is probably caused by varying testosterone/estrogen levels and various differences in the genome, because theres evidence to support both explanations. this would be the reason for the different levels of homosexuality (bisexuality, liking men more than women or women more than men)

oh no but of course, its a choice even though the science says it clearly isnt.. the facts are, it IS a natural occurrence, and is found in many animals as well. the only reason people object to it is religious reasons (why would god make men who are physically prone to be attracted to men, then make it a sin to do so) or homophobia.


Tha troof, through and through.

I must say though in lieu of what Bennet said, just cause someone's gay don't mean they can't and won't kick the shit out of you hahahaha


In a nutshell. I could care less if you are gay or not, just as long as you are happy. & as long as you don't try to hit on me while I'm at a rave and knock me down from standing up on 2 wobbly armrests -________- (btw I am not gay)

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
well not all of us.. hopefully the people who have posted these are a little more tolerant and less ignorant now.

First off, I AM NOT GAY lol
but anyways, I think being gay is gross and sick. Having sex with a guy through his corn hole is not appealing to me and should not be to anyone. Also, if gay people just have this "preference" then why can't I just start raping 5 year old kids, why hate, its my preference.

it makes no since why would they allow somthing that could destroy the human race imean reall gay peolpe CAN NOT reproduce and the way they push it will end society becaus e they encourage everyone to be gay and then what if everyones turns gay? society ends.

This is bullshit. Equality my fucking ass. It's not in the brain, it's how they have been brought up and the decisions they made early on in life. I don't believe they should be able to get married, because marriage is for MAN AND WOMEN. Not ------S AND FAGS.

If my best friend was gay, I would most likely beat the sense back into him. It's not going to happen anyway, nobody that I hang around with supports gay people.


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Despite being an "intolerant christian" I still support gay rights. God loves people with depression, and God loves gay people. There's not much difference between the two. They both just have a different brain chemical makeup than other people.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
people with depression don't have legitimate physical differences.

gay people are physically different, meaning its not something thats only in the brain, its in the genome, they were destined to be gay as soon as the mothers and fathers genes met in the egg.

Joey Wallace

Steel Member
this is exactly what i was expecting someone to say.
if god doesnt want adam and steve together, why make them sexually attracted to each other?
and why did god put g-spots in the male anus if he doesnt want gay people together? god just gave gay people an incentive to bone, but forbade it?

wtf u have a g spot i dont ur gay ughhh nasty

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
wtf u have a g spot i dont ur gay ughhh nasty

you're acting like a little kid that just discovered the word penis.

your prostate is what controls your ejaculation, obviously its a huge part of what makes cumming feel good. since its so close to the rectum, a simple massage inside of the rectum can cause stimulation and in some cases, even ejaculation (yes, without even touching the penis)

you also have the g-spot in your anus, if you dont believe me stick your finger up there and see for yourself... or google it. whatever works for you.

if you're going to act like a second grader don't comment. at least have SOME maturity.

Frank T

Silver Member
you're acting like a little kid that just discovered the word penis.

your prostate is what controls your ejaculation, obviously its a huge part of what makes cumming feel good. since its so close to the rectum, a simple massage inside of the rectum can cause stimulation and in some cases, even ejaculation (yes, without even touching the penis)

you also have the g-spot in your anus, if you dont believe me stick your finger up there and see for yourself... or google it. whatever works for you.

if you're going to act like a second grader don't comment. at least have SOME maturity.
does that mean without a prostate it wont feel good? haha just wondering, my dad had to get his prostate removed from cancer