i think ive posted it before but yeaaaa. prob gonna get a fresh setup soon. this decks about to break
Go back to the madd gear forums where you might actually be wanted.
I can only imagine the grindplate cracking from tightening the screws if you did that.
you should make fillets in the grindplate where the screws go in so that its flush wish the bottom, not siticking out like it is now. you know what im sayin?
turn your forks aroundRaptor grips
District al2 v3 bars
Lucky oversize clamp
Fsa theadless
Fuzion fork
Pro comp whips
Lucky Alu pegs
Vx2 team deck
Jess up grip tape
MADD gear flexy
Pollycarbanate grind plate
if i was a mod i would have banned everyone that posted after my post. this is fucking YOUR SCOOTER thread. FUCKING KEEP IT THAT WAY.
district or addict? which looks better and im gonna regrip the district soon
Why does it matter how it looks. Ride the one that FEELS better.