About (2024 Revision)

In 2024 we updated our "About Us" to include some of the past years events and/or lack thereof and our future plans for The Scooter Resource in the face of a world governed by social media and a culture experiencing social media burnout.
UPDATE THIS FOR 2024 About The Scooter Resource What is it? The Scooter Resource is the largest online freestyle scooter community ever where Pros and new comers alike can come, talk and help expand the sport of freestyle scooter riding. THE STORY: It is hard to say how long scooters have actually been around but some of the earliest patents date as far back as the early 1920’s. Since then a lot has changed and with advancements in technology and design scooters have become far lighter, stronger and more compact then any of their predecessors. The world of scooters was revolutionized in the year 2000 when a Taiwanese Mechanical Engineer and owner of JD Corporation in Shanghai, Taiwan by the name of Gino Tsai introduced his “Razor” scooter to the world. The Sharper Image was the first ditributor to pick up on the new trend and before long they could not keep up with the demand. At one point Razor brand scooters were backordered up to six months selling for well over a hundred dollars a piece. Just like all fads, scooters came and went but not everyone quit for the next “cool” thing. Some people kept riding their scooters either for the sheer fun of it or just because they wanted to take part in something brand new and revoultionary. Whatever their reasons might have been there is no doubt that these early riders were solely responsible for pushing the limits of this sport through it’s infancy and building the foundation for what is to come. Their dedication to this sport has kept it alive all this time. These people were few and far between so in an attempt to keep in touch with one another small online communities started to spring up where individuals could come to discuss new tricks or riding styles and to share pictures and videos as well as ways to reinforce and modify their scooters to be better suited for this new freestyle enviornment. In the early days these online communities were extremely unstable and were constantly under attack from skaters and bikers who had yet to realize the full potential of this sport. Each of these communities only lasted a few months until they just fell apart and their owners abandoned them as well as their followers then it was time for all the members to search for a new home or try to create one as a safe haven and a common place to bring them back together again. As soon as one community would die two more would spring to life. These were the early days of The Scooter Resource. We saw the need for a website that could effectively centralize the sport and provide endless information about it to anyone interested, new or old. In January 2003 The Scooter Resource was born. Please send all of your questions, comments and complaints to: EMAIL: content@scooterresource.com scooterresource@gmail.com
  • Published
    Feb 22, 2024
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