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  1. Q

    School Project

    Dude, that's a lot of work. Good luck! ^^ steve barbarich reviews
  2. Q

    New rad website?

    hahaha. that's great. ^^ steve barbarich reviews
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    how high can you flat hop?

    Ooohhh... That's amazing! ^^ steve barbarich reviews
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    What you do when you're bored

    Games. Playing PSP and PS3. ^^ steve barbarich reviews
  5. Q

    Does you heel hurt when you have like a quick sesh?

    that's the most terrible thing would happen to me. i don't like heel bruise because i'm a woman. ouch! ^^ steve barbarich chooseswimspasdirect reviews
  6. Q

    What you do when you're bored

    Facebook, Youtube and Anime44. A lots of gaming and anime marathon. ^^ steve barbarich chooseswimspasdirect reviews
  7. Q

    how high can you flat hop?

    hey! that's cool! not everyone can do that. ayt! ^^ steve barbarich chooseswimspasdirect reviews