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  1. N

    Free rider

    Hey here's mine its not done yet but does it suck and what does it need? plz reply -2l,1j,v,23 v,23,27,4n 27,4n,7f,9h 5l,ai,ad,aj 7f,9h,b3,ae ad,aj,h9,ak b3,ac,ed,ah hd,ao,m8,ao he,an,h7,ak m8,ao,qe,am qe,am,th,a5 th,a5,v5,9b vv,82,v5,9a vu,81,10v,7v 10v,7v,127,9h 127,9h,143,ap 143,ap,15h,b1...
  2. N

    Manly Bowl comp (results)

    hey there were only 4 ppl in the scooter part of th e comp. It was me, my cousin,his friend and phil lagettie's friend. I came 4th, my cousin got 3rd, his friend got first and phil's friend was second. Y where their so few ppl?