Anyone know what bars Lambert Judith rides? I remember seeing them on Dissidence's website a while back but they're not there anymore. Anyone know where I could cop these suckers?
While it might not the the flashiest, it sure gets the job done.
Tilt grips
Cooper Klaar XLs
Tilt scs
Tilt headset
Tilt Nimbus
Proto Catalyst Full Cores
TSI 22 thresh
I've ridden friends' scooters with pegs and they feel like cheating, some tricks are just so easy with them lol
....would picking up a pair when you already have a thresh be honorable or nah
I've spent 90% of my days over winter break riding so when I finally get home and get on my computer, it's usually after an evening toke... So when I'm batshit high I enjoy talking about being batshit high.