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  1. ChrisFleugel

    Apex official deck

    it looks like its got an addict break on it aswell
  2. ChrisFleugel

    Apex official deck

    looks suuuper weak
  3. ChrisFleugel

    First Scooter/First Build. Recommended Components?

    you know you can cut the flanges off
  4. ChrisFleugel

    No Limits Scooters

    yeah theyre still up and running. they have stock, but they dont have a lot of the newer parts that have come out though.
  5. ChrisFleugel


    mine are holding up really good. ive had them for a couple months
  6. ChrisFleugel

    Riders in or around Kelowna, BC

    are you kidding?! i live a few hours away. if you get a chance come to langley B.C tell me haha. i usually up there in the summer. i may be able to find some people for you to ride with
  7. ChrisFleugel


    my bad thought this was just in the scooters thread
  8. ChrisFleugel


    this or that thread. and the cheapest deck is a v2i or UA and theyre a bit more than 90$
  9. ChrisFleugel

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    its tilt so we know theyre going to hold up good
  10. ChrisFleugel

    Addict deck question

    oh yeah maybe. forgot mgp forks were shorter
  11. ChrisFleugel

    Addict deck question

    yes you will need spacers though
  12. ChrisFleugel

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    i bet most people are following UA on instagram or have liked them on Facebook, there going to have seen it its not even eye candy, it looks awful
  13. ChrisFleugel

    Do these things happen to you guys too? (Also tail whip question)

    yeah just keep practicing get them dialed. haha yeah, most people that have a nimbus fork has made that their sig at one point or another
  14. ChrisFleugel

    Do these things happen to you guys too? (Also tail whip question)

    with the tailwhips, just practice them. make sure you have them every time then start taking them to obstacles. the heel, i cant help you with
  15. ChrisFleugel


    i honestly dont mind the bars. sure the triangle is big, but oh well
  16. ChrisFleugel

    Favorite Mini/Edit

    Tyler Bravo this is too good
  17. ChrisFleugel

    UrbanArtt Street Bars Thread!

    theres no point for this thread...this or that thread is what these kind of questions are for
  18. ChrisFleugel

    Eye Sore Thread.

    doesnt make them un-ugly
  19. ChrisFleugel

    New Tilt Continental Grips are out!

    im talking softies. the length is an issue though
  20. ChrisFleugel

    New Tilt Continental Grips are out!

    How can you have odis...