So would you say the wheels are more important to speed in comparison to high quality bearings? Like bad bearings with good wheels is bad, but bad wheels with good bearings are ok imo?
We should all try to start snow scootering, It would be perfect FOR ME since I am a snowboarder too. Only meant that it would be cool if we did. Sorry to offend people for no reason, stop digging around for criticisms. People can have opinions,
Once I took off my mgp bars and a (insert asian language idk) note came out hidden in the bars on a torn off magazine scrap. I think it was a call for help but idk. It looked like they had to quickly write it as a secret how it was written LOL
I know none, most I know started at like 14ish. Unless your parents were I don't see most 8 year olds deciding hey let's stop eating all meat to be healthy!