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  1. humpurple kushiones

    Amazon Metalcores by a Skateboard Company

    your friend would probably find yaks quite good then.
  2. humpurple kushiones

    How was your day?

    got new brake pads and rotors for my car, saw a show at a planetarium, and about to get... medicated. pretty much a good day.
  3. humpurple kushiones

    greydon square

    no one is claiming to be cool for "hating" religion. kid, you watch porn 24/7, you're constantly masturbating, then you talk about jesus christ and religion with the most conceded delusional tone as if the shit you're saying is right, and as if the bible doesnt say masturbation and lust is a...
  4. humpurple kushiones

    Rebecca Black's new video (better than friday) but in all honesty, she actually isnt bad.
  5. humpurple kushiones

    greydon square soooooooooooooo good. but since theres so little atheist rappers ill post this one too he is pretty amazing too.
  6. humpurple kushiones


    lol... not this again..
  7. humpurple kushiones

    Im Back

    Omg shq development team kid!
  8. humpurple kushiones

    The Iced Tea Thread.

    lol sweet tea is the biggest selling thing at mcdonalds. 1 buck for a 32 ounce.. well, not really 32 ounce, more like 10, the rest is ice because the tea is warm.
  9. humpurple kushiones

    Haters Gonna Hate

    beliebers gonna beliebe
  10. humpurple kushiones

    The Iced Tea Thread.

    wow really? no one mentioned peace tea yet?! the razzleberry one is sooooooo goooooddd, especially after a blunt.
  11. humpurple kushiones

    Time Travel

    the person who started this thread will get a kick out of this. that watch was found in a 400 year old tomb, it was a swiss watch. some people are...
  12. humpurple kushiones

    what would you rather.....

    squirrellllllll having a squirrel would be dope.
  13. humpurple kushiones

    The Bump Thread

    i doubt you could post it. im assuming its the 70 gigapixle image of Budapest.
  14. humpurple kushiones

    Time Travel

    its possible, but i dont think we'll see it in the next.. couple hundred/thousand years. which would kill you and put you together somewhere else, thus it would be a clone, not actually you.. lol i can't see it catching on even if we do develop the technology. maybe for inanimate objects like...
  15. humpurple kushiones

    how long do you scooter each day

    i work almost every day, by the time i get out im tired as hell... so like once every 2 weeks. i thought id be able to ride more but it hasnt been working that way :/
  16. humpurple kushiones

    The Bump Thread

  17. humpurple kushiones


    cannabis is "chemically" addictive. you do get a minor mental addiction to it, but not a physical addiction. basically withdraw is just you wanting to smoke really bad, but theres no physical symptoms or depression or anything like that, you just really want to smoke. basically it's just...
  18. humpurple kushiones

    Anyone Actually Ride WITHOUT Music?

    i ride with music when i ride alone, but when im with other people i usually dont. too me without music or someone to talk too, it gets kinda boring.
  19. humpurple kushiones

    how do you delete you SR account??

    no manager is going to say "hey, i saw your name on google under a scooter website, and since you're obviously the only person on the planet named jordan dowel, im going to fire you because you ride scooters"