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  1. Josh Young

    color correction

    ok tell me how bad i fucked this up.... haha looked better on my computer, but online it looks diff. i think the contrast is a lil high and the clip is over exposed??? so any help/tips??
  2. Josh Young

    Your Setup

    whats wrong with it???
  3. Josh Young

    to people complaining about non scooter parts on scooters:

    ehhhh. i have shake junt stickers on my scooter and thats it for skate shit. but thats just bc i know more about shake junt than half of the dumbass skaters that have the junt shit. plus i keep it code at all times. other than that idk
  4. Josh Young

    Vx2000 vs. HV30

    haha hollaaaaaa at my hv30 boiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  5. Josh Young

    i want to buy i camera

    hahahaha and good luck finding one new for around 200-300 that isnt fucking shit. get a sony mini dv. then get a kenko fisheye, or a opteka if you wanna spend a lil more. and make your own handle for dirt cheap
  6. Josh Young

    Vx2000 vs. HV30

    if you didnt even know if the vx was hd or not.... you dont need to get one. sorry man
  7. Josh Young

    to people complaining about non scooter parts on scooters:

    i hate when people put skateboarding, bmx company stickers on scooters. makes you look pretty gay. haha why have a fit/sm sticker on a scooter???? theres no point...
  8. Josh Young

    Big news for the Midwest.

    asap!!! summertime!!!!!
  9. Josh Young

    Tilt scooters new pegs!

    riley post this in the first post. its straight off the tilt site. Here's a quick look at the new pegs including a picture of the prototypes. The pegs will be available by the end of the month. Footage of Erik Feenstra riding the prototypes can be found below the photo...
  10. Josh Young

    Tilt scooters new pegs!

    im gonna post up pics in a bit. im running 2 steel pegs and 2 alum pegs. you guys will dig. these pegs are amazing. there what im riding in my last tilt edit
  11. Josh Young

    who the hell

    wtf is goin on?
  12. Josh Young

    Megaramp on scooter (video)

    so was there a landing??? looked like it was a foam pit or somethin?? and this was andrew correct?
  13. Josh Young

    How to use a fisheye!!

    tony please post a video of somekind. i dont care if its cj tryhard whip'in off a crub. just post some footayyy oh and conor <3 oh and vx1>hv30 <3 <3 HOLLA
  14. Josh Young


    ummm the video is gone???? and flips arnt hard at all. use a foam pit though. there not worth killing yourself over. its a fucking flyout backflip. haha dont kill yourself. just dont let go. no games. there easy son
  15. Josh Young

    Jake ODonnell free parts lucky scooters video

    sorry but that ender was weakkkkkkkkkkkkk. you indian giver'd out of the slider. haha
  16. Josh Young

    The Banning of Liltony

    yea it is. but its funny bc your like one of the only ppl like love hv's. haha
  17. Josh Young

    PROTO scooters

    tandem scoot looks so legit!!!
  18. Josh Young

    Panasonic sdr-h80 with opteka death lens

    yea looks like a 43 to mee
  19. Josh Young

    the "my school is as corrupt as the L.A.P.D." thread

    i got one day of ISS for putting a dime in the bathroom light switch thing to turn it off... haha the other kid turned off all the lights in a few hallways. nobody could see and had to use there phones to open there lockers. hahaha