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  1. M

    How to draw an owl

    I laughed, but it's a bit gay...
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    You can get eagles off ebay?
  3. M

    Phoenix Phorx v Lucky SMX

    ahahahhah, nice editing skills rob
  4. M

    READ: If you can't decide...

    Idk should I put it in?
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    READ: If you can't decide...

    how much are they?
  6. M

    who is ready for christmas?

    SMX fork and maybe a gripper and a slider. Alot of you peoples ask for so much shit it's not funny
  7. M

    I landed my first Whip

    When I started doing whips I always landed on the front wheel and jared. lol, i have no idea how
  8. M

    The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

    If you were camping and woke up with a condom inside your arse, would you tell anyone?
  9. M

    scooter generator

    There needs to be one. And I remember reading that kids description a while ago. I laughed in his face.
  10. M

    READ: If you can't decide...

    Thanks brock (y)
  11. M

    your custom/homemade parts thread

    Mobb cause it's got holes in it so it can go over bumps and stuff, and so you don't get air bubbles
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    I hate nuketown, so small and retarded
  13. M

    Hep greg off eagle-sport?

    don't start an arguement or 2 week ban. lol And don't start shit with brock, he's uber legend
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    and you don't get 16000 STI's at once aswell...
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    My facebook age is my real age, and I get alot of "be naughty on facebook" ads
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    Lock now !

    Sit the wheel on a brick, so that the bearing is lined up with the hole in the brick, then shove your allen key in and hammer the fuck out of it. It worked for me and mine were stuck in like a chode. Just make sure you move the allen around the bearing aswell, don't keep hitting the same spot...
  17. M

    Hep greg off eagle-sport?

    First of all, wtf? I hope they still make his wheels cause they are kick ass. If they are going to discontinue them I'm gonna spend all my cash buying some and keeping them, like people should've done with stans wheels...
  18. M

    this has to be said. read.

    Fucking skaters down here do that, they play skate right at the bottom of the banks and the funbox
  19. M

    New razor stickers

    Where from? And someone should make one of them flag ones for Australia. And I love the scootering is not a crime one and backflips are over-rated ones aswell. Nice work guys
  20. M


    did she actually reply? And yeah, that was kind of a dick move, he could've got in so much ----- and you could of got dragged into it.