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  1. Cole

    Game Of Thrones

    Who hear also watched, I have seen all 5 seasons and read the first book. I am re watching before season 6
  2. Cole

    Ethic lindworm no cracks for Flavor awakening no cracks

    title says it all feel free to offer other things though only looking for decks and it has a urbanart flex fender on it cause i dont like ethic brakes theres the album
  3. Cole

    Anyone got addict bars in ontario canada?

    I got tilt scout bars chrome 22x22 to trade or i can buy with cash
  4. Cole

    how short to cut my bars?

    Im pretty small 5,2 5,3 ish and i bought a pair of tilt scout bars i wanna cut them down to my prefer d riding height but the season is almost over for me should i cut them a few inches 2 tall so i can still ride them nxt year
  5. Cole

    How to be more flow while riding

    Whenever I watch riders that i really like monky, brandon james they all have such flow especially riding bowls how do they do it is it simply a practice thing
  6. Cole

    How to not be a pussy and commit to a god dam trick.

    I enjoy scootering a lot but theirs so many things that I could do if I commited more like easy shit like disasters i can never commit to them ive been riding for a long time i know my way around a scooter. Like i dont commit to the stupidest shit like a downledge that sketches me out and its...
  7. Cole

    Are tsi decks really that good heard a lot about them here

    Currently im riding a ethic lindworm the i like the length of it even though double whips are a bit tricky cause im a small guy. I have heard that sledgehammers are really nice for grinds like rails there good for i love rails. I also heard that its harder to do whips and stuff on a tsi is this...
  8. Cole

    Riding for 3 and a half years progression has slowed down to a stupid low pace help

    Ive been riding for 3 and half years and after my first year of riding in my 2nd year I improved a lot got to a intermediate level i can grind well do whips do heel whips spin tricks not very well though finger whips sometimes. But then the problem came my progression slowed down and i started...
  9. Cole

    Think I sprained my wrist has this ever happened to u?

    So i was at my local park and they have this small grass gap that i like doing tricks down and i fucked up on a whip down it and bailed i landed on my feet and my left hand was the only hand on my scooters so the scooter shit the ground and my left hand stayed on the scooter was of to the side...
  10. Cole

    Dialed scooter vs fast scooter

    To get my scoot dialed i gotta tighten the headset up alot and tighten the wheels and then its not as buttery
  11. Cole

    3 questions How to, Whip out of grinds, slide lipslides, and when to throw your trick in air.

    I have some questions on some tricks that have been puzzling me. 1. How do i whip out of grinds like back feebles i can whip out of front feebles pretty easy but not back feebles 2. How do I slide lipslides on quarters usually i just fail them 3. In the air when do you throw the trick at the...
  12. Cole

    Are aluminum forks really that bad?

    I have tilt legacy forks like are aluminum forks that bad do they feel different then steel forks like is it as big of a difference as alu vs steel bars
  13. Cole

    How to get over fears and commit to a trick.

    Basically im like the biggest pussy when it comes to doing tricks like learning new triks and doing them on/down things ive been riding for a couple years and i always pussy out on the easiest tricks im not afriad to fall i know how to break my falls and i wear a helmet like its almost like i...
  14. Cole

    Do polished ethic lindworms feel different then black ones?

    I ride a polished lindoworm and i have a freind that says that they feel different is there any meat to this or is he trolling me
  15. Cole

    T bars vs Other style bars

    Alright just to be clear im talking about t bars vs gusseted style bars like ones with a dip liek my reapers or rad style bars currently im on a pair of ency reapers and i wanna get a pair of new bars because i really dont like the feel of aluminum bars. Ive noticed that most of the riders i...
  16. Cole

    Your stupid falls Thread(Thread to post stupid falls you have had)

    This thread is inspired by a really stupid fall that I had a while ago ill try to explain it. I was dropping in this mini quarter probably 4 and a half feet, but I was doing one of those steezy slide ins where you roll up to the quarter and slide in. But my wheelwell(I dont know if thats the...
  17. Cole

    New Acton Ontario canada skatepark 2015.

    They finally finished building the new acton skatepark. Any other people riding this park its pretty sick
  18. Cole

    Aluminum vs Chromoly bars?

    Hey guys curently im riding some envy reaper alu bars and ive talked to a couple of my freinds and they day that chromoly bars are easier for barspins and other tricks. I rode my friends chromoly bars and they definetly a lot better than alu i just want your guys opions b4 i go out and buy...
  19. Cole

    Anyone used tilt sentry bars yet opinons?

    Im looking into getting a pair im getting sick of my small alu envy reaper bars?
  20. Cole

    Help me choose new wheels Glides vs Tilt blasters!

    Currently im riding rapids but there flat spotted and dont feel very nice. I originally wanted to get glides but they were not in stock so im debating going back and buying glides or getting tilt blaster wheels. I rode moslty park because its all i have in my area My style is not crazy park...