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  1. Montgomery jensen

    Radix wheels? any hear say

    Radix wheels by eagle seemed really interesting and i liked the idea back in the beggining of 2015, so i had bought a brandon james, but i snapped it, and now they still havent released the damn wheels, i think it would be sick to have wider wheels what does anybody else think.
  2. Montgomery jensen

    should i buy a paramount?

    how pron to snapping is it. is it worth the moolah would it be bad to do a center deck cutout like on the shred sled and any cons and pros i wouldnt already know?
  3. Montgomery jensen

    street jams: When Where sponsers

    comment any upcoming street jams and whether your going
  4. Montgomery jensen

    sledge center deck cut out?

    yooo, i recently snapped a brandon james, so now im riding my sledge, and its pretty damn heavy, so im thinking about milling the same deck hole as the shred sled has, any one see any problems with, said decision?
  5. Montgomery jensen

    Addict? where are you. [rip?]

    what has happened to addict. where are they. are they making parts. whats happening. talk about it here, give some hints to whats happening or be blunt and say they goner then daddy.
  6. Montgomery jensen

    WIDE DECKS, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, esc. plus trick names

    to start, im monty, and i think we should have some wider decks for those of us like myself with some big feet(size 14) rip tiny decks. we need a company to make some wider decks, for the comfort of my feet, somebody get on this, an idea im having tho is that its gonna be heavy as all hell, so...