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    skant rampage 2 ( scooters only)

    Should be fun. Were thinking about coming over as well. Myself, Royce King, Adam Bolton, Joel 'Wezma' Erwin & Chris Hart
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    Eagle Sports Canberra Tour - Australia

    Hi Guys, Have not posted on here for quite some time, hope everyone is doing awesome, I bet theres a whole lot of new comers! Just wanted to post the tour video that EagleSports Australia just returned from. Riders include Jackson Manzie...
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    Sam Scott Photography

    Was that related to either one of these two quotes? "finally got my rebel xs, going to val for the first time in a few months tmw. yayy " Or "Getting a Pentax K-x tommorrow, apparently they are alright but your Rebel XSI (550d in AUS) is the bomb. <333 ?
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    Adam (ladam) Bolton Edit

    the temper trap - sweet disposition
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    Adam (ladam) Bolton Edit

    Hey brother. I used Final cut pro 6. In my eyes one of the best editing programs around. ( personal opinion though ) having used Avid, Vegas and Premier, this is by far my choice. I did it at work, so i had to do it really fast, but im glad you liked it. Ill do another edit for him soon...
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    Adam (ladam) Bolton Edit

    Not sure if this has been posted up. Cheers, Phil.
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    what software do you use to edit

    FCP Studio 2, Mainly Fcp/Motion/After Effects and Cinema 4D.
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    your photoshop thread

    Oh my god. Fail!
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    Phil lagettie photo slideshow

    hehe hey baby. =]
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    Phil lagettie photo slideshow

    Just a few of my recent images, I wish i could put my work images up.. anyway check if your interested :) website - Phil <3
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    Hahaha im so lost with this product man, i dont know WHATS happining, and sadly i dont know if it will go ahead to be honest. i have only recieved 4 clips haha? if someone out there is keen to edit it, and has to time then go for it, cause it would be sad to see it dull down.
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    Why was adam rouse's footage posted on inside scooters for aus3? theres no point even using it now, wtf?
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    Aaron's Recent flicks.

    you seem to keep a consistency to the rule of 3rds. nice!
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    Kyle tolentino getting his ass beat and robbed

    totally to cool for school mann.
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    Phil lagettie Skydive 2010

    not sure if this is the correct sextion but well. who fucking cares. if theres one thing you should do before you die, its this.. it rocks so so hard!!!
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    Yeah dude.. to easy, send anything through :)
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    Yeah bro thats fine man. send anything you want, even if its not riding, i kinda want random shit aswell. but what ever you feel like sending thats cool. Yeah man, you got it ;)
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    Not liking the progress on this vid.. argh!! I need footage off you guysssss? haha? anyone still alive?
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    Coedie Donovan Edit.

    Whos coedie donovan? isnt he a singer or something
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    New photography website

    Thanks guys, really appreciate it =] <3