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  1. Tom Affleck

    new fourm for uk

    hahaha the beef here is so ridiculous
  2. Tom Affleck

    UK Street Jam

    oi oi oi if you wanna have a street jam then fuckin get your arses down to london and have a street jam, fuck getting companies to give you a hand just cause it's what every one else does! just all meet up for a good ol' sesh just chillin having fun, its not worth the effort organising loads of...
  3. Tom Affleck

    UK Street Riders

    shit ent been on sr in fuckin ages, wassup from bedfordshire
  4. Tom Affleck

    HIC T bars UK

    batwings! fuck mgp but batwings are actually pretty good bars, nice n strong, backsweep feels nice can't go wrong
  5. Tom Affleck

    Places to ride in London?

    bristol have good bowls, meanwhile bowls, revolution i think is a good indoor park on the outskirts of london i think
  6. Tom Affleck

    United Kingdom

    i browse now and again and post whenever theres sommut to post, no one makes threads worth posting in nowadays though cause everything worth talking about is on inside and other various online blogs/magazines and shit
  7. Tom Affleck

    ATTENTION: Riders before jan 2010

    haha too right todd! fuck the little kids, if they wanna be the way they wanna be, caring about nothing other than a sponsorship and the sound of their scooter when they drop it, then thats up to them, yeah they bring the UK scene down and make us all look like dickheads, but thats how life is...
  8. Tom Affleck

    OI, if i used to ride with you, read this...

    lol enit haha, atleast we tried
  9. Tom Affleck

    Thinking of getting back in the game.

    haha yes sam! nice to see more and more people picking up again slowly haha
  10. Tom Affleck

    Kurtis Took Mini Vid!

    nice video man! that concrete park with all the hips looks bare simple but fun
  11. Tom Affleck

    few recent clips

    nothin special just a few clips ryan scott put together for me, tried to find the thread but i couldnt be fucked to look so i made my own
  12. Tom Affleck

    OI, if i used to ride with you, read this...

    haha sorry geez' i forget about you sometimes corby has the most votes so far, can we agree on a date? can anyone make it on a weekday just cause it'l be empty as ----- if not then don't bother but yeah
  13. Tom Affleck

    Hairy bob's park

    bowl looks nutts, but thats a bit too far for me to come i rekon
  14. Tom Affleck

    OI, if i used to ride with you, read this...

    I was talking with Kurtis Took, if anyone remembers him, and we were reminiscing about old scooter times, and thought that a reunion is in order, people like max duffy and rob parkinson arn't riding anymore, but Rob Forman, Reuben, Graham, Ben Harris (haggie), Ryan Scott, Stevie Cussons, etc you...
  15. Tom Affleck

    Hairy bob's park

    anyone got any snaps of this park?
  16. Tom Affleck

    Introduce Yourself

    Tom Affleck, 18 years of age, been riding for too long, before there were one piece decks available, before the only metal cores were eagles and micro extreme cores, and the eagles Weren't even for scooters at the time. I ride for myself, i do not wish to represent any scooter company cause i...
  17. Tom Affleck


    Yes yes Luke! fakie hang 5 was mad!
  18. Tom Affleck

    "The Big Freeze"

    theres fuk all snow where i am, its just fuckin freezing
  19. Tom Affleck

    Midlands riders

    im in bedfordshire?
  20. Tom Affleck

    Madd uk party corby!

    I'll be gwarnin!