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  1. Deluzion

    what do you hate about what people do to there scooters

    so many kids were i live are like that..
  2. Deluzion


    ouch that sucks
  3. Deluzion

    [VIDEO TUT] Painting metalcores using a pen.

    First Comment go me! nice vid btw :D
  4. Deluzion

    How Much Is Your Scooter Worth?

    Bars: $0 Wheels: $33 Bearings: $30 Griptape: $18 Grps: $20 Bolts: $2 Deck: $0 Total Cost: $103 And about $50 in spare parts.
  5. Deluzion

    BLADE BRAKE! for sale or trade

    double posters deserve to die!
  6. Deluzion

    Aaron Bransdon

  7. Deluzion

    Homemade forks.

    look alright, nice try
  8. Deluzion


    thanks :D
  9. Deluzion


    My Scooter:
  10. Deluzion

    Wide Bars, Mid Range, or Slim?

    sig says all
  11. Deluzion

    Scooter stores and where to buy parts thread (updated 23/07/09)

    were cani get blade/madd brake on its own for a good price but not on here EDIT: my bad scooters only aus has them :P
  12. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    okay thanks for ur help guys
  13. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    ok thanks for the help guys but i put the bars forward for a reason and because i put them forward i had to change bolt sizes which has made it creak so IF im put the bars FORWARD what bolt sizes do i need then? not just the sizes for bolting it on its normal angle. cheers
  14. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    yeah ive done it the right way and putting my bars forward has made it move the slightest bit and make alot of noise, if u can tell me what are the perfect sizes of bolts for putting the bars forward?
  15. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    okay its not the bolts/nuts that are the problem its just the headtube rubbing between the foldy making alot of noise just from a simple bunnyhop
  16. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    if i was to buy them how would they help or stop it from moving or creaking
  17. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    i also tried putting my bars forward using a bigger size bolt but i tihnk it just moves more now -.-
  18. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    are those the ones with the round ends? anyway im using 3 normal bolts with washers on every side.
  19. Deluzion

    Annoying Foldy Noise

    ive been having annoying problems with the foldy on my scooter as it makes alot of noise and ive bolted it but as hard as i try to tighten it the next day it just starts to creak again when i jump etc. is there any way to keep it tight and not to shift around and make noise? thanks
  20. Deluzion

    South Aussie Scooters

    im from port pirie, our new park is sweet u should come up here.