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  1. TomK

    Your Ideal Bars

  2. TomK

    DIY/backyard or at home parks and features!

    Yeah you can, ask them to look through the scrap container, and more often than not you can find usable sheets of ply and 2 x 4's that they will let you take for free or super cheap.
  3. TomK

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    According to the inside source, the clear protos are really shitty.
  4. TomK


    One example does not mean it is true for every deck. That's like saying I know a person who got shot and died instantly, so everyone who gets shot dies instantly.
  5. TomK


    I mean technically the steeper the headtube angle is, the more torque is applied to the deck/headtube. Although, on something the size of a scooter, thinking .5 degrees will make a difference is just stupid.
  6. TomK

    proto riders

    Ian is on Proto Flow.
  7. TomK

    Dirt scooter for street

    Dirt scooters suck.
  8. TomK

    Tappering bars without welding

    Honestly dude? You trust some jerry-rigged crap like that? Just find a welder and do it properly, you don't want your bars snapping on you, and epoxy is definitely not strong enough.
  9. TomK

    Motivation/Hype to ride?

    If you don't have a shit eating grin on your face whenever you are riding, just stop and take a break. I've had periods where I didn't really feel like I was getting better or learning new tricks and that used to bum me out, but I never really thought about quitting. Now I just don't really...
  10. TomK

    Tilt legacy thread size

    It is a 5/8th fine thread.
  11. TomK


    Jona is half asian. His dad is white and his mom is Taiwanese I believe.
  12. TomK

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    You are an idiot. Kyle came up with that finish for parts working in the shop, and as soon as Issac saw it, he said he wanted to have it be his signature part, so Tilt put that finish on Issac's preferred fork and SCS, not because Tilt has run out of idea, but because that is what Issac wanted...
  13. TomK


    Just deleted a bunch of crap. This is the "YOUR SCOOTER" thread, not the "be an idiot" thread. If you guys want to talk about random crap, do it in the appropriate section of the forum.
  14. TomK

    Good Gloves for Riding

    Any of these like running/athletic gloves are mad good. You can get them at sporting goods stores for like $5-10. They don't fall apart like the shitty $1 cotton gloves, and they also keep your hands decently warm.
  15. TomK

    Elyts exposed.

    Yeah the only reason I even replied to this thread was because I thought you were just baggin on Issac. Honestly I don't care enough about any of this to involve myself, I am all about people just doing what they want to do on their scooter regardless of whether or not it lines up with how I...
  16. TomK

    Elyts exposed.

    Are you shitting me dude? You always seemed pretty chill the couple times I have met you, but if Issac's video was shitty, then we are gonna need a new word to describe how fucking bad Elyts videos consistently are.
  17. TomK

    Jonah Holter 2k14 throwy

    Hell yeah Jonah, that shit was pretty good.
  18. TomK

    Razor Pro XXX

    HCC has it pretty much right. If you plan on switching to threadless, then you will need a 1-1/8" threadless headset. I personally recommend Cane Creek brand headsets over others, but FSA is good as well, but it can really be any brand as long as it is a 1-1/8" threadless headset. As far as...
  19. TomK

    College (2015)

    I am about to be in my fourth semester in college, and at my third college. This is what happens when scootering is more important than school.
  20. TomK


    If you are going to get grips made in the USA, it basically has to be through ODI because they have a patent on the molding process in the USA. If you are getting headsets made, and want them to be standard spec. It has to be FSA because they have a patent on 45/45 spec bearings. No skate...