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  1. S

    kyle tolentino lucky free parts sponsor ship

    . i dont ride anymore and tony you better pray to god i never find you. if i do find you im not gonna stop hitting you until your on the ground and kiss my fucking shoe you ugly ass ------.
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    Fs; Really good deal! Look!

    whens this 'sesh' im going beating tony's face in and going home.
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    kyle tolentino lucky free parts sponsor ship

    douche just lock this man. i'm not a douche so all you kids that say i am come see me and i'll ruin your fucking day. this isn't complain about kyle tolentino who you don't know anway this is comment on the video and give constructive critisism.
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    kyle tolentino lucky free parts sponsor ship

    thanks everybody, joey you're never getting your stuff just because i dont like you. end of story
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    kyle tolentino lucky free parts sponsor ship

    thanks for your support man. love you too <3
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    You wanna know why scooting is still 'gay'?

    Not to sound cocky but I pretty much run my local park, so it's not the actual riders that are good it's the stereotypes that make people think scooters are gay. A prime example is when you go to walmart and see the A-models with the little kids on them. Bottom line, there is people who shred...
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    Jay Ruhl

    he seems chill i wanna ride with him.
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    Walkin' Talkin' wit yo pants on tha ground.

    how old are you larry? "sity two, it be mah birfday on the teny sevenf" guys so funnnnny.
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    Murdaa Throw awayy...

    This is a THROWAWAY VIDEO, just thought i'd put that out there. and who cares how good you are dude, if you're having fun then you're good. Murda's a beast.<3
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    Walkin' Talkin' wit yo pants on tha ground.

    Lookin' like a fool.
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    gay scooter tricks

    we need to ride asap josh. <3
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    FS/FT: 4130 Chromoly Inward bars

    If you think I'm un-legit, don't buy from me it's that simple. If you have problems or concerns on anything other than the bars make a thread in " Merchant Discussion " or talk to me on AIM. Screen name: kyleesaG Okay, I don't have Paypal so this would either have to be sold in person or...
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    (732) Team: A good video from us is coming soon

    it'd be differant if the website actually sold like i dunnno, maybe one thing?! no, gtfo broke asss nigggga.
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    Your Tuck-No Hander

    Your tucks are sketchyyyyy.
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    so they aren't brand new? Correct?
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    WTB: Ultra Pro or TSI

    I'll pay 45-50 at the most for an Ultra Pro in good condition. I'll pay up to 120 for a tsi. I'll pay shipping as well.
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    fs 100mm micro

    5$ in person.
  18. S

    WTT 5000ish baseball cards for parts

    I was gonna do the same thing bro, i have so many good cards.