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  1. M

    Custom Scooter Maker

    its a good start needs alot of worjk though.. but awsome.
  2. M

    Ur fav deck

    razor pro. forever.
  3. M

    Quebec Scooters official thread *Plastic Pegs now available!*

    i thinkyou got that backwaod, leik it seems to me plastic would be better for park, cuz the metal and stuff is smooth and wouldnt waer it donw, compaired to concrte and stuff, witch aluminum woudl eb better for... right?
  4. M


    i just say "i scooter." ahah my mom and dad call it "skating" becous ether eold and to them if skateboradring and roller blading is skating then so is scooting. i dotn thinkso though.
  5. M

    cut my leg(bad picture dont open id ur a wimp)

    ahahha the blood is liek chunky.
  6. M

    Lucky Deck wobbles, help me?

    my friend had this problem, so i gave him a new headtube. thet worked.
  7. M

    !! Put Your Best Tricks Here !!

    my best trick be bri flips flat. i love them ther eliek my sixth sence i bri flip anything. i aint no bri whore though, today i got my hang fives. so much fun.
  8. M


    8 days left. then my cast is gone..... im happy.
  9. M

    Whole scooter for sale !!!!!

    your spellign HIC wrong there not "hicks" they are H.I.C hidden internal compresion bars.
  10. M

    [Tutorial]-How to get bearings out of Eagle-Sport Wheels

    its dark. i have that same sledge hammer.
  11. M

    New MTF scoot

    ahah thats cool proly only good for flow riding though.
  12. M

    Old razor models

    i saw a 5 dollar scootin a store, ai took it outa teh box and rode it and the deck bend as soon a si stood on it and the wheels were like a quarter thin
  13. M

    homemade flex brake

    there deck pins. for extra grippyness.
  14. M

    FREE BBQ and RAFFLE//PRORIDE Open House 3/13!!!

    i can give you a suggestion to "grow the scooter scene" lower your ridiculously high prices. please. some of your stuff is reeely work buying, but nor for how much you sell it for. it makes me mad that the only affordable item you have are your forks.
  15. M

    FS:(already parted) complete scoot/other goodies

    i want that blade brake... 10 dollars?
  16. M

    Old razor models

    i liek the one where the bars are backwords.