09 trick resolutions


You have no idea:

Clean 540 cab bars and whips.
Manual 3's.
Hop 5's (!)
720 cab soon after.
Scooter/Bri flips.
Bar catch bar and whip catch bar.
360 double bar.
Whip and bar some stairsets.
Hop 360 turndown to bar, maybe down a small set too.
Clean oppo 540's on banks.
540 bars and whips on banks.
oh and some rotor whip stuff (fakie, half cab, etc)

At the speed I've been learning new tricks I can see most of those happening.

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
720 anything
bar to whips flat
whip rewinds
front scooterflip flat
720 pivot cab thing would be sick
i could see myself doing that oppo too.
oppo 540 bar to fakie
hop nosemanny higher things
trick the big 6 stair


double front bris... im gettin there...
triple whip 12 stair
360 turndown 9 stair
inward briflip 8 stair
360 briflip 6 stair

(got 360 briflips flat today :D)


I got myself banned.
Jamie Bowe said:
double front bris... im gettin there...
triple whip 12 stair
360 turndown 9 stair
inward briflip 8 stair
360 briflip 6 stair

(got 360 briflips flat today :D)

hahahahaha jamie you didnt get a 360 briflip flat ive seen your riding.


Luke Maff said:
Jamie Bowe said:
double front bris... im gettin there...
triple whip 12 stair
360 turndown 9 stair
inward briflip 8 stair
360 briflip 6 stair

(got 360 briflips flat today :D)

hahahahaha jamie you didnt get a 360 briflip flat ive seen your riding.
you havnt seen me in 3 months n00b? ill get footage...

James Scown

Steel Member
Luke Maff said:
Jamie Bowe said:
double front bris... im gettin there...
triple whip 12 stair
360 turndown 9 stair
inward briflip 8 stair
360 briflip 6 stair

(got 360 briflips flat today :D)

hahahahaha jamie you didnt get a 360 briflip flat ive seen your riding.

He did.

360 quad
360 inward bri
inward bri dub whip
cant think of anything else right now

Tommy Napolitan

triples flat and front scooterflips flat back
12 set handrail
14 set handrail
indy into 7 set handrail
double whip outta handrail
360 outta a wallride over a 5 set


Steel Member
360 whip 11 set
bri whip air's
front scooter flips
inward scooter flips
legit hang 5's
540 whips
540 bars
decade airs... or decade to 180? dunno what they would be called
clean fingerwhips flat
triple a 4 set, then trips a 7
extended supermans
fakie feebles
triple fingerwhips
quad whips

thats all i can think of for now, but theres alot more


360 whips
manny whip out.
whip to febble.
whip to boardslide
longer hangfives.
hangfive whipout.
cleaner 360 turndowns
360 to fakie airs.
barspin while doing a barret ride.
fakiescooterfakie manny.
fingers flat.
dub whip flat.
bar to bar flat.
oppo bar to bar flat.
hang 5 to fakiescooterfakie.
front sliders.
barret ride 540 out.