1 peice bars!


i need some
Should i get rad bars,
simple scooter bars,
or the newly coming out gnar bars?
and i also need someone to sell them to me so yeah

Nate Grant

Steel Member
yea seriously, both RAD or Gnar would work probly. you live in WA, so gettin cory to hook you up with some wouldn't be too hard. also, Casey lives in portland oregon, which is practically WA, so yea


yeah true so yeah
scratch the ss bars
but cory said hes not makeing many more so yeah
ill probably try and get gnar bars but w/e

Kenny O.

the_GC_local said:
Kenny Owens said:
well...you live in washington..so why pay the cost for ss bars?

Cuz Phil is a sikkie ;)
yeah but, us americans dont need to be paying you aussies money so u can buy more scoots and have an army of coedies running around


i dont see why you dont make your own just for you and dont sell them all your need is two 4130 pipes and take it to a welder or weld it your self cause its not that hard of a weld nd make slits not a hard process

(it seems like im being mean but im not just to let you know)


It's probably a lot harder than it seems, I'd rather let someone else do it for me well and pay more money than do it myself bad for less money. And it's helping the sport too.