4.0 or 4.5 phoenix deck?


is it easier to throw and land tricks? im just skeptical about it because ive been riding razor pros for a while. so im very used to 4.0

alec logan

Bronze member
depends on what tricks you do. i think it makes catching and throwing whips ALOT easier, you might have to use some more strength to whip it around maybe, and when you air and stomp out other tricks, your heels dont touch the ground as much.


Bronze member
hmm but wouldnt it make it like different cause of the weight?
i would probly cut up my ankles too if i go 4.5


Staff member
If you're fine with 4.0, why change?
If you want more deck room, then the 4.5 is for you.

It's only a half inch on each side, not too much weight can be added.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
i wear a 11.5 and i ride 4.0 razors<3 not a problem. so shoe size is a bullshit excuse unless your Stan and your hands and feet are like 60 times bigger then the rest of ours. get a 4.5 and if u dont like it im sure someone will have a 4.0 and you could trade. i know im late here but yea hahah.


only trick that is harder with a skinnier deck is fakie scooter fakies. i had a 4.5 tsi and loved it. and then got a 4.0 lucky, and it felt fine too. i had a district too, which is like 4.3, which was good too. haha, half an inch really doesnt make much of a difference. i just bought a phoenix 4.0. and the only reason i bought 4.0 is because 4.5 wasnt in stock. to me, it really doesnt matter, i just ride what i can get :)