A VERY DANK HARCORE VID sean and jonny

EDIT: oh shit that was gnar. you guys are fucking sick those barspin combos over the spine were so dank jonny sean cool nosetail grab dank hammer...i wont tell everyone has to watch it to see the hammer

Matt Ogle

sickkkk man. <3d trip finger, nosegrab to tailgrab, barspin late dubfingy, etcetc. sickkness. haha music was sweet too.


dude im not even kidding that barspinn to dub finger was so smooth i was like wait, what banger r they talking about,(Because i didnt notice the barspin till the 5th time)
hhoollyyy shit.
seans part was nice, the nose grab to tailgrab, trip finger, dub late bar, airs were huge, and jonny just wow BAR LATE DUB FING you insane mother fucker.all those combos form the quarter and like over the waterfall were gnar, bar bar, bar turndown over spine, this vid is fucking crazy nice job guys very nice.


that was sick.. u huys are just improving by the second..

triple fingerwhip was crazy.. i forget the last trick now but i think it was a dub whip late bar.. sicknessss!!


Shit guys...that was awesome..Crazy ass. Dub late bar was hot....Seans shit in general was awesome. Jonny, bar to bar over the spine...sick. And bar to dub finger...what the fuck..


ah thanx for the comments guys just to let everyone know that is opposite barspin rewind ova da spine thanx again thoe guys means a lot
hm dank weather kind of sucks

EDIT: yo jonny bar spin rewind the spine .? wha! and sean your style and thoes tricks packs a punch . :D


we use dank in are own kind of way thoe i know the deff but yea dank means good in babboon dictionary

ex: that was a dank catch whip haha thanx for comments oh and dan idk if thats the first one done ive never seen one but if so then thats dank for me