ACSP 9/11 Day Video. (a lot of riding)

I went to the skatepark in the intention of filming a little bit for a large part. Then we started filming a ton and I just made it a huge day video. Through some creative stuff in.
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Big L

Steel Member
Ya Conor, could you put any more fucking airs in there haha, nah it was sweet, turndown air and table airs were sweeet, gnarly foot plant barspin magiger


you ride alot like andy except better, less bris, and more style.

so you ride nothing like andy, and you are a good stylish rider.


dargersaurus rex
erik said:
you ride alot like andy except better, less bris, and more style.

so you ride nothing like andy, and you are a good stylish rider.
hahahah that made my day eric

and i like most of the clips but there was wayyyyy to much slow mo in there. and just pic your best airs instead of showing a 100