edy boi
i recently bought a senior fork at the phoenix overload a few nights ago and since there hasent been to much talk about it i thought i would post a review
1. apperance, whene i first saw it on the sr store i thought man thats ugly,but whene you actually see the fork in person it looks much much better not to mention the cool death stars on top
i would give it a solid 8.6
2. quality, this is one of those areas where im really not to impressed with the welds are pretty sloppy [im sure there strong], and the thing im really ticked of about is it comes with surface rust even though its not much it really shouldent have that for an almost 80 dollar fork. 6.5
3. "how it rides", after waithing an hour at the skatepark for an allen wrench i finnaly got it all set up with my scs i went straight to the bowl and the first thing i noticed is that it was easily the smoothest most buttery fork ive ever ridden, flowing,jumping hips, and airing never felt so good to me the wide legs and allitle extra offset is just amazing for vert as for street it doesent feel just as great and the wide legs could get in your way i would honestly recomend a dsa for street but it still was a very good feel. easily a 9.3
4. compatibilty, another slightly dissopointing area, whene i first tried to put it on my scs it simply would not fit on leaving me the only choice of having to stretch my scs wich is not very good for it ,after that it fit on, as for people using ics this means its going to be harder to get your bars onto the fork. and as this is a proto product i would expect for them to test it with scs ? but a good thing that come out of this is it insurers a nice tight fit and less of a chance of it from coming loose. and lastly its SOOO hard to get the bearing race on i had to get it done while my starnut was getting installed. due to SOME flaws ill give it a 7.0
5.strength/weight, coming from riding some of the heaviest forks around [dsa,inward old sr] it actually feels pretty light and ballanced wich i like very much. strength, the new rear gussets have improved this fork very much over original sr forks, the fork tube has also improved going from like 0.65 to 0.83 wich is pretty thick but for all you guys out there who have snapped every fork known to man [dwhip haha] i would look into reinforcing it. 8.5
6. overall, this is a great fork but honestly not really what i woud expect from proto, altough i would say the pros outway the cons before you buy remember there are some flaws with this fork for hardcore vert riders who dont mind the actual welds and rust and are willing to put in a little more work on the instalation this fork is a staple
1. apperance, whene i first saw it on the sr store i thought man thats ugly,but whene you actually see the fork in person it looks much much better not to mention the cool death stars on top
2. quality, this is one of those areas where im really not to impressed with the welds are pretty sloppy [im sure there strong], and the thing im really ticked of about is it comes with surface rust even though its not much it really shouldent have that for an almost 80 dollar fork. 6.5
3. "how it rides", after waithing an hour at the skatepark for an allen wrench i finnaly got it all set up with my scs i went straight to the bowl and the first thing i noticed is that it was easily the smoothest most buttery fork ive ever ridden, flowing,jumping hips, and airing never felt so good to me the wide legs and allitle extra offset is just amazing for vert as for street it doesent feel just as great and the wide legs could get in your way i would honestly recomend a dsa for street but it still was a very good feel. easily a 9.3
4. compatibilty, another slightly dissopointing area, whene i first tried to put it on my scs it simply would not fit on leaving me the only choice of having to stretch my scs wich is not very good for it ,after that it fit on, as for people using ics this means its going to be harder to get your bars onto the fork. and as this is a proto product i would expect for them to test it with scs ? but a good thing that come out of this is it insurers a nice tight fit and less of a chance of it from coming loose. and lastly its SOOO hard to get the bearing race on i had to get it done while my starnut was getting installed. due to SOME flaws ill give it a 7.0
5.strength/weight, coming from riding some of the heaviest forks around [dsa,inward old sr] it actually feels pretty light and ballanced wich i like very much. strength, the new rear gussets have improved this fork very much over original sr forks, the fork tube has also improved going from like 0.65 to 0.83 wich is pretty thick but for all you guys out there who have snapped every fork known to man [dwhip haha] i would look into reinforcing it. 8.5
6. overall, this is a great fork but honestly not really what i woud expect from proto, altough i would say the pros outway the cons before you buy remember there are some flaws with this fork for hardcore vert riders who dont mind the actual welds and rust and are willing to put in a little more work on the instalation this fork is a staple