any /b/ros on here?


Steel Member
Why do people enjoy that shithole of a site? The whole thing is just porn and immature e-kids who think this shit is hilarious, Ryan at least has a life, but almost everyone else I know who goes on that site is just pathetic.


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
lol u mad bro?

jk, rob.
i am a conniseur of memes, not a /b/tard.
edit: did you know that rob has the same letters as bro?


Steel Member
4chan is for immature fucks who have nothin eles to do than wack off to cartoon porn nuff said


Staff member
I don't hate 4chan. I hate post 2008 4chan. When it went from messed up to "POST YOUR COCKS" kind of shit. I mean if you enjoy a site where people post their cocks on a daily basis then ... well, feel free to browse it. Just keep it off of this site, where people don't post their cocks.


Steel Member
promised my self would never go on there. just went on there, that website is so fucked up. i dont understand what those people do with their lives

Bear Grylls

See I go on it alot, but some sections are not that bad. I like the photography section as it discusses photography and there is alot of camera information.