anybody watch fuel tv?

^^^^ i agree with tyler
and its not like scootering will never be noticed im sure after it gains popularity fuel tv will run a show but people need to be interested in scootering before they start running shows or else they wouldnt make any money. it will happen... eventually!


Super Moderator
Staff member
liltony said:
shut up^^^^
Tyler Wheeland. said:
liltony said:
liltony said:
hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaZ it wont happen
your honestly a grade a douche bag
and your honestly pissing me off replying to every one of my freakin posts.... you replied to a post 2 months old.... please stop.
you quoted it today
and honestly your just going around post whoring not trying to help any scooter kids,
atleast when someone asks something help em out.
tony you replied to a post saying it wont happen how can you know what is going to happen try being positive instead of flaming every time someone says something you disagree with.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
ok tyler.... i help when i can.....i wasnt talking about this post but ok..... ill be more helpful

and gorilla wade.......i dont flame everything i see...... you have only been on sr for like a month so you havnt been around for most my post
u know what pisses me off is that b4 i moved, we had verizon, then we moved and can't have boxes on every tv like verizon would make us, cuz some r wall mounted. Comcast has a central box 4 every tv, and now i don't get it. it was my fav channel and in tewksbury MA, they won't put it on!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


razorfanatik54 said:
u know what pisses me off is that b4 i moved, we had verizon, then we moved and can't have boxes on every tv like verizon would make us, cuz some r wall mounted. Comcast has a central box 4 every tv, and now i don't get it. it was my fav channel and in tewksbury MA, they won't put it on!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what? we have a wall mounted TV with a FiOs box... haha.
well, doesn't that cost extra? the 1 channel i need real bad is fuel, and i need people with comcast to go to and send comcast emails saying they want it on comcast to help me please!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!