Anyone good at graphic designing want to help me out?


Steel Member
So pretty much me and some friends have a little team going. Its called A.B.C, standing for Ashland Board Crew. It us for skating and snowboarding but i still got on it for scooting and sniwboarding. Anyways, im looking for some one who would like to make us a sick logo (might earn $$$). It would be cool if it said ABC and maybe the name under it ir somthing with some sort of cool design (maybe incorporate snow?). If you will do it let me know and if you want me to I can pay you a little to do it. It would help a lot and I really apriciate it.
Thanks dawgs


Steel Member
graffiti would be could. also just curious would you want money for it or do it just as a favor?

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member