Are there any bars higher than 24 inches besides razor ultra pro?


Bronze member
Im just wondering. Im riding 23 and a half right now and im not fully grown. I do like ultra pro bars, but im just asking so that I can have options in the future

issac p

Silver Member
ethic bars can go up to 24.5, but they are standard with a slit.
tsi can make you custom heptrons any size you want.
you can get any 24 high bar with no slit and put them in a small scs to make them 25.5


Bronze member
i ride 26 high, im riding 24 high epic rewinds with a full scs that raises it a full 2 inches.

but you could get epic rewinds or proto retros too. they come in 24, but if you want them higher go with hep trons or try emailing the company and see if they could make a set for you that is what you prefer


Full size SCS adds 2 inches to any bars..


Hamish C

Steel Member
Phoenix Suicides come standard or hic 24 high, standard comes without a slit as well so 26 high max plus 22 wide