Bad bike fall


this actually happened about a week ago but i just thought to post it..ok me and my friend went to my house to get my camera and when we were coming back to his house he was ahead of me so i was tryin to catch up to him and my scooter handle bars got stuck in between my fork and my tire and i did like half a front flip and scraped my hand, elbow, shoulder, hip and leg..but i gave my friend the camera like 2 mintues before it happened lol..and then like 3 people asked me if i was ok and one guy said put your bike in the woods so no one will take it and i can take you back to my place to get those cuts fixed him(and he was old like 60-65).

farmboy uk

Steel Member
oh mumma that must of hurt, i've had a stick lock uo my front wheel and throw me off before but im guessing you were on concrete so it would have been more painful