Bar Rewinds


Gold Member
im kinda getting my oppo bars down, but theyre really ehh, any tips on actually getting oppo bars well first?

and for the bar rewind, which way should i learn it first? normal bar to oppo bar or vice versa? is there any difference in difficulty or does it not matter


Arnor Smari

Bronze member
Learning oppo bars for me was pretty much just like learning barspins again. The best way to get good at them fast is like with any other trick, just to do them on everything you find, many times in a row. I find regular to oppo easier, just try to reach the grip as soon as you can with your hand and push it back. Throwing the bar as soon as you jump is a bit easier, rather than leveling out and then starting to do it since oppo bars can be a bit slow at first, and you will want to have enough time to get it around I guess. Also, just practicing the motion over and over again helps a lot.


I cant oppo bar very well at all, but bar rewinds are honestly the easiest thing, you dont even have to do a full bar spin.
^^True but then they just look stupid. I rarely see someone take the time to do legit ones, just 3/4 of the way there, then 3/4 back. An actual bar to oppo bar (or vice versa) looks so much better than untwisting or smacking the bars...though smacking the bars totally looks sick if the bar still manages to make it a full 360 before going back.

I think oppo to regular tricks are easier since youre getting the awkward feeling one out of the way then when you're throwing the regular (that is basically late) you can do it faster and the landing feels pretty normal. However, some would argue that doing the normal one fast first gives you more time to do the oppo one slow... but the landing still feels weird to me. Just my opinion though.
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