bar width?

My bars on my razor (not ultra pro or anything just a scooter) are 13in. wide. They seem to small Im going to get a scooter from a freind and hes keeping the bars so I need some bars. Any way what width? I know what height . Is there such thing as 2 wide? Also sorry for asking so much questions im new to scooters.

issac p

Silver Member
i would get some 20" wide bars and if they feel too wide just cut them down to about 18", and if thats still too wide cut them down to 16". i wouldnt go any lower then that


Steel Member
The formula I like to use for bar dimensions is "tits high, nipples wide". All the nice young fellows riding their Razors at my local skate park seem to utilize this, so it must be correct.

issac p

Silver Member
if your 5' tall you shouldnt get bars over 20".
and for epic rewinds i wouldnt get them any narrower then 18"
epic rweinds are 19 wide. you can cut them down tho. but i think your grips will be bending down... if your gonna get tee bars get vertex or inward or sz. and get 20 high. its better imo

k I guess 20 high I just like them a little below my waist I hate it when I ride some kids scooter and the bars are like 2mm high the ultra pro low are 21 high right? I rode an ultra pro (Im one of those annoying kids who rides other poeples scooters) Anyway the ultra pro low seem pretty good height but I dont think 1 in would make to much of a differnce. Thanks for the bar reccomendations.


Steel Member
k I guess 20 high I just like them a little below my waist I hate it when I ride some kids scooter and the bars are like 2mm high the ultra pro low are 21 high right? I rode an ultra pro (Im one of those annoying kids who rides other poeples scooters) Anyway the ultra pro low seem pretty good height but I dont think 1 in would make to much of a differnce. Thanks for the bar reccomendations.

no problem. and yueah theyre 21 high ultra bars.