Bearing spacer


Bronze member
i was puttin my bearings in my eagle, and when i finished i ended up with the spacer on the side.
How do I fix this?


Steel Member
what do you mean other side?, if you mean its fallen over you will have to take out the bearing and place it up straight,


Silver Member
That sucks, just get it in the middle so you can poke an allen key through one bearing onto the sideways spacer. Sit it on a loose brick so that the bearings are lined up with a hole, put the allen key onto the spacer and hit it with a hammer, it should bust the bearing and the spacer out into the hole in the brick. Should work


Bronze member
i got it hahahah, i just got the thing that holds you wheels (i forgot what it is for some reason) and smashed the spacer then i could put my allen key threw and knocked the bearing out


Bronze member
yes^^^ i have the biggest mind block eva i was trying to think of it for like 20mins and Zane i agreez


Silver Member
haha lol. Sweet as, use the axle to put the bearings back in and then you're guaranteed that it won't go sideways again