Beginner Trick Help?

I started riding scooters around a week ago and due to the good weather in the UK (for once :D) i have been out on it every day for the last week.
My scooter is an MGP Ninja
The "tricks" i can do are

Bunnyhop (obviously)
And that is all.
I can drop into some ramps, but not ones with copings on :I
I always just slip and fall on ramps with copings, does anybody have any tips?

im also having problems with Tailwhips and Barspins. When I try to do a trick i just cant get enough speed to get enough air to actually do it, and i cant bunnyhop high enough to do one flat, or off a kerb or manual box.I have 110mm wheels and my bearings are broken in now, and i push like crazy when im inbetween ramps, but i just cant get any air?
Has anybody got any tips for Bunnyhopping higher? I have strong arms , i crouch down then pull up strongly with my arms and i only get about 6inches high off the ground, max.

i am an EXTREME scooter noob, so if any of the things im saying dont make sense and/or are stupid, im sorry :(



Steel Member
Hey, where abouts in the uk you from?
As for high hops, the only way is really practice. We all started somewhere, but one thing that helped me was having strong quads (thigh muscles) so you might want to work on that. Everything you're asking is simply practice, there as no trick to it really. Start of doing stuff like cans and one handers to get used to taking your feet/hands off, then just try and commit. It took me over a year of on and off riding to learn to tailwhip, but of you stick at it you should crack it in a couple of weeks.